Coronavirus y el miedo

The fear thou art in, Sancho, said Don Quixote, prevents thee from seeing or hearing correctly, for one of the effects of fear is to derange the senses and make things appear different from what they are (1).

Relax, that’s not your fear, it’s the fear of the flyer (2).

COVID-19, a new type of Coronavirus declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organization, is not an exceptional case in relation to other recent epidemics; nor is it the virus that has produced  -so far- the highest mortality rates. This is the seventh global epidemic of the 21st century, beside to SARS in 2003, Avian Flu in its H5N1 strain in 2005, the H1N1 pandemic in 2009, the MERS-CoV in 2012, Ebola and Zika in 2014.

The COVID-19 pandemic shows the imminent need to correct the fragmented state of our consciences, a state that is the origin of the imbalance in our interpersonal relations and with nature. It does not matter if we are or not aware of the interconnection, and unity in which we are intertwined with everything that exists. This interconnection exists, even if we do not take it into account. However, by ignoring it, we produce the climatic and ecological chaos that we are experiencing and of which COVID-19 is just one more consequence among many others.

It is not necessary to grasp the meaning of the Holographic Principle or the String Theory to understand that the part affects the whole and vice versa. We can trust and operate on this perennial wisdom as old as humanity. The power of each person does not depend on the circumstances in which he finds himself, rather it lies in the human capacity to live in peace and harmony with creation, without harming himself or others.

The struggle undertaken by a single individual to live in interconnection is not trivial. The repercussion produced by a personal attempt is not limited to the individual’s visible environment, rather it encompasses the complex scope of quantum reality as well as the world of inorganic beings actively related to our material-spiritual form of existence. There is such a holographic relationship between the part and the whole that nothing is limited to the time and space in which it occurs, hence the thoughts and emotions of an isolated individual are reflected not only in his world, but in the universe. The great power to transform what exists lies in the interconnection. A thought of love and peace nurtured in silence, will resonate throughout the entire creation.

Humanity has survived various massive forms of destruction and has endured suffering without addressing the cyclic causes that originate them. The Coronavirus pandemic is being produced by same root that creates poverty, hunger  -even when there are enough resources- and which also generates annihilating wars. The root cause is the lack of love produced by the fragmentation in which we live. Disconnected from ourselves, our neighbor, nature and life in general, we can only create imbalances. Fear generates imbalance and disharmony, while love generates balance and harmony: There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love (3).

Restrictive sanitary precautions to control the pandemic compel millions of people to remain at home forcing them to abandon the automatism of their daily routines. This situation allows more free time, promotes solitude and provides the opportunity to rethink their way of life and the quality of their interpersonal relationships. All these favorable effects will impact not only the millions of humans affected, but also the ecological environment in which they exist. Policies to address the spiritual, psychological, and bioenergetic root cause of this pandemic should be added to the sanitary precautions already in place.

If the Coronavirus causes us to react in panic, anger and rejection, we will be recreating the same energies of fear and hatred that originated the pandemic in the first place and that must be corrected. If we accept this pandemic as a by-product of the state of our collective consciousness, then we will be empowered and motivated to generate a healing energy instead of a harmful one. We can psychologically and spiritually confront this pandemic in a different way than usual. However, the energy of our habits constrains us to repeat generation after generation  -in complex intergenerational chains- the same emotional patterns in emergency situations: fear, anger, rejection.

If we unlearn this intergenerational pattern of interpretation / reaction and learn new ways to interact with each other and with nature, we will stop the advance of this virus and any other form of damage:  territorial wars, poverty and hunger.

What happens in the outside world is nothing but the manifestation and reflection of our thoughts, feelings, words and actions. COVID-19 is nature’s own reaction to the greed, anger and ignorance in which we live. The energy harbored in our hearts is reflected to the outside world, with the same or grater destructive characteristics than the ones which generate them, although with different appearances.

We usually act from the fragmented vision of reality ignoring that the world is a network of interconnections and reflections, as illustrated by the Indra’s Net metaphor. If we correct this false idea of ​​separability and turn it into a conscience of interpenetration, we will live in the perspective of interdependence acting with the kindness that arises from the interconnectedness.

By transforming the self-centered vision into an integrative one we will correct the causes of all evils that overwhelm us. If we give up the egotistical stance based on personal importance and learn respectful ways to interconnect with each other and with everything that exists, we will heal ourselves as individuals, families and communities. In other words, we will heal the Earth. COVID-19 as well as natural, climatic and ecological catastrophes, are manifestations of our state of consciousness and opens a path for reflection that could correct the harmful way in which we relate to other human beings, to animals and to nature in general.

we have nothing to fear as long as we are connected, because with our connection (we generate) a force that kills all viruses … The connection between us is a natural force that operates against all negative forces … nothing can resist that connection (which) kills all the harmful: spiritual harmful, bodily harmful (…) Our thoughts are the most destructive force or the most positive force in nature … Love, connection, that is the positive force that orders and destroys all negative things. By wanting to connect, with the same thought and the same purpose, we create a field, a force: thought is force, a field, and when we connect our forces, we create a field where nothing can harm us (4).

Global panic states are often generated by circumstances similar to the ones we are experiencing today. Human reactions of fear and anger in the wake of imminent danger generate egregors. An egregor is an organized, intelligent accumulation of energy resulting from a personal vibrational field and which later aggregates with similar vibratory fields. Personal egregors or thoughtforms become autonomous from the individuals who created them. Individuals become prisoners, and unable to be set free keep repeating the same emotional patterns of vibration that originated, sustains, and nourishes these egregors.

 The synergistic intelligence characterizing these energetic entities called egregors allows them to consolidate until they become the watchmen of the multitudes astral body. These thoughtformsare obsessors who, along with other visible and invisible forces, ensure that the crowds repeat generation after generation the same thoughts and emotional patterns. As a result, the multitudes come to think and feel as a collective group mind and this unification of feelings and thoughts warrants their permanence in time and space.  The egregors are not the only ones being fed by fear and anger, but other inorganic beings as well.

Many entities of the universe, entities that possess consciousness, but not an organism, land on the consciousness field of our world (5). We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rules of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has made us to become docile, helpless. If we want to protest, suppress our protests. If we want to act independently, it orders us not to (6).

The Gospels offer the wisdom to free us from the various oppressive entities that serve the same purpose. The evangelists also bear witness to the work of Jesus against the invisible powers that maintain humanity in a state of spiritual and physical imprisonment. The book of Ephesians describes this struggle: For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (7). The fight is spiritual and psychological in nature in order to renew the physiological, biochemical and bioenergetic structures that support the new non-harmful ways of thinking and feeling.

We are not alone in this fight since we have an army of angels in our favor: No evil shall befall you,

Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone (8).

Today we are facing a double challenge: the pandemic itself and the fear to the pandemic. The pandemic is perceived as invincible, like a shadow that could reach us at any time. As a result, it produces the energy of fear that nourishes inorganic beings and strengthens the dominant invisible powers:

for them we are food, and they squeeze us without compassion because we are their livelihood. Just as we raise chickens in chicken coops, so they also raise us in human coops (9) (…) they keep us alive to feed on the energetic flare of our pseudo-concerns (10).

For more than one reason, we must join to transform panic into peace and solidarity. If we deactivate the selfishness and fear with which we are facing this pandemic, if we unite rather than separate further, we will deactivate the power with which the COVID-19 advances. We will also deactivate the power of the visible and invisible forces that keep humanity captive, blind, and fearful of real or imaginary enemies. All battles fought from ignorance leave a positive balance in favor of fear.

We are not alone.

(1) Miguel de Cervantes Don Quixote de la Mancha, IV Centennial Edition, Royal Spanish Academy. Ingramex, Cd México 2004, First part, chap XVIII p 161.

(2) Carlos Castaneda The Active Side of Infinity Suma de Letras, S.L. Madrid 2002 p 376.

(3) First Epistle of the Apostle John 4,18; New King James Version (NKJV)

(4) Dr Michael Laitman Will we have to fear? The World: Coronavirus Epidemic YouTube, March 2020.

(5) Carlos Castaneda, op cit p 318.

(6) id p 362.

(7) Ephesians 6,12  NKJV, op cit.

(8) Psalm 91,10-12 id.

(9) Carlos Castaneda op cit p 363.

(10) id p 367.

Acerca de la autora

Aída Reboredo Arroyo
Aída Reboredo Arroyo
Es autora de libros y artículos; cofundadora del primer centro de estudios de la mujer en México. Es Psicóloga Clínica con estudios de maestría y doctorado realizados en Francia y Brasil. Fue profesora universitaria en diversas instituciones académicas de la Ciudad de México y de Veracruz, así como cofundadora de las Agencias Especializadas en Delitos Sexuales.

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