Water is an information storage and exchange system. If everything vibrates, everything is intertwined, interconnected, everything receives and transmits information, then water —which constitutes more than three-quarters of the planet— could not be the exception. Thanks to the mobility and particular structure of the H2O molecule, water is capable of receiving, storing and transmitting electromagnetic vibrations.
The human body and in general all living matter have a colloidal character which requires water to maintain its properties. Water constitutes 70 to 80 percent of our body weight. Even bones are made up of 22 percent water. Water is the foundation of our life. Even though we are creatures of water, we are oblivious to its needs, and we still have not awakened to the fact that water’s needs are also our needs.

Research on water by Masaru Emoto allows us to visualize through images what perennial wisdom has always known: that water is sensitive, that has memory and consciousness. Photographs of water crystals show the changing shapes and colors that its clusters or aggregates of molecules acquire depending on the type of information they receive and store. This property of the water molecules lay in the fact that its positive and negative poles act like magnets, adhering to form complex aggregates. Similar to what happens with snowflakes, there are not two water clusters alike. Each energetic influence creates adifferent arrangement of water molecules (1).
It is not surprising that water taken from a free-flowing river is structured in hexagonal crystals of great beauty and water from a polluted river does not exhibit a harmonious structure. The integrity and beauty of the river with crystal waters is manifested on each of its drops. Each drop of water of that source shows in its small dimension the same beauty of the entire river. Similarly, the drop of water from the polluted river reflects the conditions of its waters in clusters with dying shapes and opaque colors. It could not be otherwise. The part is a hologram of the whole. If we would have drunk from the hexagonal harmonious water it would have produced different effects in our bodies and minds than if we would had drunk from the polluted river, even if we would had scrupulously filtered the polluted water. This is because the memory of the water would had kept the vibrations of its deplorable previous state.
Water stores not only information but also stores feelings and consciousness. Thoughts, emotions, sounds, words, writings, music, create geometric molecular structures that respond to the vibrations received. Water exposed to vibrations of hatred and anger responds by creating dark, disorganized, asymmetric clusters, similar to clusters of water taken from polluted rivers. Water exposed to information of love and gratitude acquires beautiful symmetrical structures like the water of rivers that run freely unscathed. Let’s not forget that we are creatures of water.

Perennial wisdom transmit through men and women dedicated to the task of remembering and sharing memories, that everything is alive and conscious. Fragmentation is a fallacy of the mind that once awakened from the nightmare of separateness, will realize that everything is One. Nothing can exist outside of the whole, otherwise it would not be the whole. The whole is infinite… it is immutable (…). The whole is infinite living Mind: the enlightened one calls it Spirit (2).
Water, which constitutes between 70 and 80 percent of the planet and our bodies, teaches us through the language of its clusters that not only chemical pollutants and atomic bombs can destroy it along with the life that it supports, but also thoughts, feelings and words can heal it or make it sick. If the electromagnetic vibrations of love or hate can heal the water or make it sick, the same will happen with the living matter that is primarily made up of it.
Water crystals from a polluted river that have been spoken to with phrases of love and gratitude transform their chaotic disorganized structures into beautiful and luminous hexagonal structures. Ho’oponopono, a Hawaiian tradition, ancient method of reconciliation and forgiveness practiced by unified conscience cultures of the South Pacific, adapted as a healing practice by Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona and spread in the West by her disciple Hew Len, consists in awakening of the conscience of love and gratitude with phrases addressed to the Whole: I’m sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you. Masaru Emoto did something similar with water and the diseased clusters were restored though resonance with the vibration of love.
Approximately 2,500 years ago Lao Tzu, to whom the Tao Te Ching is attributed, wrote:
The highest goodness resembles water
Water greatly benefits myriad things without contention
It stays in places that people dislike
Therefore it is similar to the Tao
Dwelling at the right place
Heart with great depth
Giving with great kindness
Words with great integrity
Governing with great administration
Handling with great capability
Moving with great timing
Because it does not contend
It is therefore beyond reproach (3)
The I Ching Book of Changes of Chinese ancient wisdom explains the symbol K’an, the Abyss, the Water: The movement of water goes from the top to the bottom. Water comes from the earth, but it is found in the sky, so its tendency is to return down… The water flows and does not accumulate anywhere; it crosses dangerous places and does not lose its reliability … Water flows uninterruptedly and reaches its goal … Thus, the noble lives in constant virtue exercising the business of teaching (4).
Water flows, moves, it does not try to prevail anywhere, its place is movement itself. It does not matter if it is found in a puddle or in snow on the top of a mountain; it is still water. Its constant is change, transformation. Water teaches us how to live. The words that generate the most touching water crystals are thank you and love. That which is beneficial to water in nature is also beneficial to the water that makes our bodies, sustaining conscience and physical life. That which creates dark and unshaped water crystals also creates dark and unstructured consciences in humanity which in turn damage the Earth.
We are not only depleting water resources from a quantitative perspective, but we are doing it from a qualitative perspective as well. We are water beings like all the other creatures on Earth. As long as we keep the memory of water in a nightmarish state, so our memory and the memory of those with whom we share the planet –which is interdependent with the memory of water— will continue to be in a state of nightmare.

Material and spiritual bad habits and growing age diminish the amount of structured water in the body increasing the amount of unstructured water. To heal our bodies and minds is to heal the water that sustains the living matter that we are made of. We can achieve this by drinking quality water and providing vibrations of love and gratitude to All. Water is the carrier of information which we absorb when we drink from it, becoming a part of our body (5). Water transmits to our cells its state of conscience.
The physical quality of water cannot be separated from its spiritual quality. Conscience affects matter. The water we consume will determine not only health of our bodies, but also our mental and emotional wellbeing. The quality of the water and not the quantity we drink is a determining factor in the level of hydration or dehydration of the body, the alkalinity or acidity of the blood, and the oxidation of our cells. In other words, the quality of the water we consume is the determining factor in achieving a physical, mental and emotional balance.
The water that most of the humanity consumes does not meet the biological requirements for life. Water memory preserves the electromagnetic profile of the substances that had been dissolved into it, even if they are no longer present. Water is made safe for consumption by eliminating impurities, chemicals, and microorganisms. However, the vibrational pattern of toxins stored in its memory and transmitted to the living matter that encounters, is not transformed. Because of its memory capacity the crystals of water treated with conventional purification systems present distorted structures that contrast with the beautiful structures of water that has not received chaotic vibrations. Water, treated and purified by methods that do not consider its conscience, remains dead. It is precisely this water that is most used not only for personal hygiene, but also for drinking and cooking. Fortunately, we do not only have the ability to damage the water, but we also can restore its essence by providing the appropriate means to rescue its original characteristics.
Bottled water is usually subjected to processes that tend to demineralize it. Under countless labels, it is packaged in disposable plastic bottles that are sold all over the world. It is common for disposable bottles to contain Bisphenol A (BPA), a harmful industrial chemical used since the 1960s. The use of these plastic bottles generates a high cost of life. Each year 28 billion bottles are produced which take approximately a thousand years to degrade. To manufacture them, 17 million barrels of oil are consumed, and 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide are released (6).
Most of us do not have the possibility of drinking pure, unbottled spring water. Bottled spring water has lost its original memory and manifests in its clusters the vibrations to which it was subjected to; vibrations foreign to its pure source. However, we have the opportunity and responsibility to drink water that has regained its essential characteristics of conscience and has become spring-like water.

There are systems for restoring the essential memory of water and its chemical and structural characteristics, in such a way that the drinking tap water is regenerated and converted into spring-like water. To achieve this, the water must be initially purified with filters that follow the principle of natural filtration of mineral spring water. It must also be alkalinized, mineralized, ionized with anions, magnetized, and structured.
Those who systematically consume water that has recovered its physical and chemical purity and its essential conscience experience favorable effects in their physical, mental and emotional health. If an attitude of gratitude and love is added to the consumption of this living water, a great transformation will undoubtedly be experienced. By healing our lives, we will heal the Earth.
(1)Masaru Emoto y Jürgen Fliege El poder curativo del agua https://angelcuantico.com/formacion/elpodercurativodelagua.pdf
(2) El Kybalión, Editorial Prana México 2019; pp 40, 41, 43
(3) Tao Te Ching SkyLight Paths, 2011; 8
(4) I Ching Comentarios de Richard Wilhelm Editorial Hermes, México 1988; pp 196-197
(5) Masaru Emoto y Jürgen Fliege, op cit p 11
(6) Datos difundidos por la empresa japonesa Nikken
Acerca de la autora

- Es autora de libros y artículos; cofundadora del primer centro de estudios de la mujer en México. Es Psicóloga Clínica con estudios de maestría y doctorado realizados en Francia y Brasil. Fue profesora universitaria en diversas instituciones académicas de la Ciudad de México y de Veracruz, así como cofundadora de las Agencias Especializadas en Delitos Sexuales.
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