THE TABLE ON THE ALTAR – Blood or fruits from the field

Whoever controls the people’s fears becomes master of their souls  –Niccolo Machiavelli Aída Reboredo Arroyo …. fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that [h]moves on the earth. To subdue and exercise dominion does not mean to abuse, to kill, or to slave; instead it means to guide, to protect, and to take care. The context of Genesis is precise; to dominate creation excluded animals slaughtering because all beings of the alluded Era were vegetarians:  I have given you every herb…. and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it shall be for food.  Also, to every beast of the earth, to every bird of the air, and to everything that creepson the earth, in which there is life, I have given every green herb for food; and it was so (1).     This peaceful coexistence ended when Adam and Eve, tempted by the most cunning of all the living beings of the field that Yahweh God had made, ate from the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil, becoming gods. In response Yahweh cursed the entire Earth, and said: Behold, Adam  –generic name of humankind- has become like one of Us, to…


It is not only the city that is trapped. People’s voices are, too… The world is silent and that silence is dreadful. – Diary of Guojing, young woman isolated in Wuhan’s quarantine (1).o Aída Reboredo Arroyo I’ll treatment of animals generates effects that no individual or nation, no matter how powerful it may think it is, can deny.  Some effects are obvious, and others are not so evident due to the confusion of the fragmented minds. Every action generates a reaction, every cause an effect. A review of the causes that triggered the Covid 19 pandemic forces us to stop at the…

THE INFINITE DEPTH – Our power is love

Love is, besides a feeling, an energy that cannot be limited: it is the principle of universal existence… From love we were born.  According to love we were made.  Towards love we expand. To love we give ourselves (1).  Love unifies. It cannot be reduced to principles, doctrines, dogmas, names or forms.  Creation is sustained by this energy that constitutes us in Unity: My ´innermost nature´ is His own, certainly without fault or defect.  Between the two of us there is no time and in my soul the occult world manifests…



To Ching Hua (Benita) Kung and the Masters of the Tao, in gratitude Aída Reboredo Arroyo To repent means a change of vision, to turn back, to return. Repentance does not consist of guilt, shame and punishment as it is commonly understood due to  manipulation suffered by the term which was converted into a doctrine used by religions to safeguard the interests of dominant groups. To repent comes from the Latin repaenitere, and means to go back to, to replenish the lack of something, to change, to correct, to go from a wrong mentality…